I don't know if anyone else has did this but, at the begining of each year in Jr. High and High School I would come up with a theme for myself; a plan for how I wanted each year to go and how I would represent myself. The older I get the more I acknowledge that yes, teenage hood sucked but it was the time for my most creative freedom.
Every year before the start of term I would decide what style I would have. I'd make up outfits in my head that later I would manifest. I'd pick social goals for the year, like "I want to attend my first house party" or "I want to be in a play" or " I want my crush to think I'm sexy." I'd never have to write them down I just kept them. I'd like to get back into this habit. I'm relearning that there's nothing wrong with wanting to have goals for yourself and play with your image.
How do you want people to see you??
Change the way you see yourself!
We are all open canvases, there is no future yet there is only now and the little things that we can do for ourselves and others. Sure society or pop culture may seem like it's pressuring you to be another brick in the wall but it doesn't have to be that way. Deciding for yourself who you want to be and what you want to do (things that will make you happy not other's goals as you see them) for the next year, month or even the next day, can give you a sense of timelessness and "there's always tomorrow" that can be very refreshing and even relaxing once you get the hang of it.
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